Why You Should Use Professional Headshots on Social Media in 2024
Many assume that professional headshots are only for companies or executives and CEOs. But the expansion of social media has heightened our visual cues. An image now carries more weight than ever before.
Think about it as your finger flicks a cell screen to scroll further below. With so many things clamoring for our attention, few people will read a long text without photos. A photo is what will catch your attention in a magazine article. Ads with stunning photos will always appeal to us.

The Value Of A Professional Headshot
Amazingly enough, the value of images has increased and decreased at the same time. We are used to seeing hundreds if not thousands of images in a day. We discard most of them, seeing them but not looking at them. We move on the next one in the blink of an eye.
But a good photo? A good photo stays with us. We will remember it and keep it in mind. In a sea of images, a good one will stand out.
That is why having a professional photo in your social media accounts matters. Most people have seen numerous photos of their friends, colleagues, family and dogs and cats. Most of them are of average quality and do not catch the eye. This makes a small investment in a professional headshot worthwhile because you can make your headshot memorable and impacting.
Headshots are what business cards used to be: necessary in our digital world.

How To Take A Professional Headshot
A professional headshot photographer will take into account light, texture, colors, and anything that is important in taking a good photo.
A professional headshot does need to be overly formal but it needs to be high quality and professional. You can discuss with your photographer what sort of ‘feel’ you want to display on your photo and what you want to pass as a message about yourself to people visiting your profile or your page.
Your professional headshot should be representative of who you are and what your personality is about.

Why You Need A Professional Headshot
Taking a professional headshot to upload on your social media has several benefits. You can maximize these by making sure that you look professional and careful about the image you convey. A professional headshot will capture who you are. Your photo will be representative of what you are, your essence and your personality. Friends, colleagues, and employers will get a firm idea of who you are.
This is especially important if you’re looking for a new job. Prospective employers often check the profiles and accounts of their prospective employees. A professional headshot speaks of your professionalism and your determination to invest in your image.
A professional headshot also builds confidence in who you are. You will feel better about yourself and people will feel you are someone they can trust. Your headshot that shows confidence will in turn give your clients confidence in you.

How To Prepare For A Professional Headshot
Headshots can vary greatly, depending on the image you wish to convey. If you smile, you show your friendliness and your congeniality. If you are serious, you are showing boldness and assurance. A bright-colored background can help you stand out whereas a natural, outdoor background can make you feel authentic and approachable.
Depending on what you are aiming at, you can ask to take an appropriate shot. Or, even better, take multiple shots and use them accordingly.
Where To Take A Professional Headshot
The location is also important: will you shoot your photos indoors, in the city, in the countryside, or your office? There are good walls that make perfect backgrounds. The choice is yours and it reflects on what you want to convey through the imagery. We use a mobile photography studio to ensure the photo shot no matter the location.

Stand Out With Your Professional Headshot
Think of a professional headshot as investing in your brand. Your brand is who you are and your professional headshot will speak volumes for you.
Employers often ask for headshots if they want to include them in a company newsletter, a blog post or a social media post about you joining their company. It’s handy to have a photo ready, especially one making you look extra good.
A visually pleasing and interesting headshot will make you stand out. In a plethora of headshots, yours will be remembered for its quality and the thought put into it.
Where appropriate, blend classic, textbook portrait and lighting techniques with a modern, personality-centered photography style for a unique headshot.
How To Use Professional Headshots On Social Media
You can maximize the benefits using your professional headshots on social media by updating your photos regularly. Our faces change, just like fashions do. A dated photo with a suit that screams of the last decade will give a bad impression of who you are. Especially if you have clients who have never actually met you in person. Their vision of who you are is represented by that little circle icon on their profile.
Finally, if you have several social media accounts, you may want to take different sets of headshots. Your Facebook profile could include more relaxed shots while your LinkedIn account may have more polished ones.
Don’t overlook your personal accounts: since you are paying for a professional photoshoot, it’s worthwhile to take full advantage of the opportunity. Your personal account will look smarter and better. Besides, the line between personal and professional can be blurry at times: prospective or current employers may well visit their employees’ social media.